Testing and Experimentation – the Reality Check in Lightweight Design
Due to the complex structural-mechanical relationships in lightweight composite design, tests and trials remain an elementary link in the development chain. For example, extensive material characterization tests serve to create a solid input database for the simulation. On the other hand, tests are continuously carried out in the development chain to validate development targets. At CIKONI, we offer extensive methodological and application knowledge for the Testing of CFRP components in order to bring projects with partners to the finish line efficiently, purposefully and with technical expertise.
Our CFRP-Testing expertise:
Our Services in the Field of CFRP Testing
In fiber composite-compatible design, not only is a component developed, but the appropriate manufacturing process and the resulting component mechanics are consistently considered from the outset. This poses particular challenges for an interdisciplinary project team, but also for a detailed understanding of composite materials and their production technologies.
Whether prototype or series component, CFRP or GFRP: we bring the necessary know-how to your project, which puts you ahead of the competition and prevents unnecessary design iterations through fiber composite-specific development methods. We achieve this through the consistent use of modern CAD and FEM software for design and calculation, while naturally maintaining the confidentiality required in sensitive development projects.
Coupon-Testing für Composites
Coupon tests are used for early material qualification, to determine characteristic values and as input variables for the structural and process simulation of composites.
Components made of fiber-reinforced composites are primarily tested for their structural-mechanical properties. However, our test portfolio for CFRP components also includes environmental influences, NVH and other characteristics.
Testing auf Systemebene
System tests allow the effects of system components on the fiber composite structures to be analyzed. Compared to isolated coupon and component tests, they therefore provide a much higher quality of information.
Our Approach to CFRP Testing
The testing of composite materials requires methodological knowledge of process and media influences, material specifics and simulation methods. But we also look beyond the technical horizon:
Decentralized testing in the network
In Germany, there are extensive possibilities for carrying out tests on various scales. However, it is difficult for outsiders to gain an overview of the individual specialties of the testing institutes and their unique selling points. Based on our materials expertise, we bring together suitable partners for carrying out tests on a project-specific basis. This means that you always have the best possible partner for your tests and optimum test execution.
Testing from a single source
You receive the test planning, execution and evaluation directly from a single source. We pay attention to the technical consistency of the overall project, critically monitor the implementation and ensure transparency and trustworthy data.
Own test equipment and methods
In our many years of experience in the field of composite testing, we have developed extensive testing tools. These testing tools and methods go beyond the state of the art and standardized procedures and allow in-depth characterization. These tools and methods are exclusively available to our customers.
Development of customized test procedures
Due to their anisotropy and production-related influences, composites exhibit complex responses to all kinds of stresses. For example, atypical mechanical stresses, environmental influences or system-related factors may require the development of customized test methods, which we will be happy to develop and test for you.
Start Testing Now.
We look forward to discussing your challenges in the field of CFRP testing with you. Get in touch with us today to receive your individual solution proposal.